Netherlands English
DJI 0653 2

The combination of a large PV system with a battery is still rare in the Netherlands for regular energy consumers. The 350 kW (1,106 kWh) energy storage system captures peak production so that it can be used by Hartman at a later time, or injected into the grid.

Using the battery for trading on the balancing markets as well, results in an attractive payback period. The use of balancing energy also contributes to the energy transition, because surpluses of renewable energy are utilised more efficiently this way. At the same time, it prevents the costly expansion of the public electricity grid.

HMB, a specialist in the development, realisation and management of PV systems, supplied Hartman with both the 700 kilowatt-peak PV system and the battery. In order to optimise the use of these systems, this solution was chosen in collaboration with Scholt Energy.

DJI 0657 2

Completely climate neutral

With the help of the battery, 99% of the solar energy produced can be used by Hartman itself. Without a battery this would be 85%. The storage of solar energy contributes to Hartman Expeditie being able to operate in a fully energy-neutral manner, an express wish of the company that strives for fully climate-neutral transport with its Green Label Logistics.

Battery payback period

The substantial earnings that can be generated by an energy storage system on the balancing markets mean that the business case for a battery is rapidly becoming more attractive. The payback period is now between 4 and 6 years.

Balancing markets

As a Balancing Service Provider, Scholt Energy deploys balancing energy in the markets for primary reserve power (FCR), regulating power (aFRR), reserve power (mFFRsa) and emergency power (mFRRda). The contribution to balancing the electricity grid - which is becoming increasingly challenging due to the rapid growth of wind and solar power - is matched by financial compensation.

Scholt Energy manages one of the largest pools of individual batteries in the Netherlands, which are deployed simultaneously in various energy markets in addition to the balancing markets. Wind turbines, CHPs, cold storage and a salt bath are also used in the emergency power and imbalance markets.

Interested in energy storage?

Please contact our Energy Transition Specialists.

Rick Cuijpers Klein